Dr. Parvathy Sunaina
Associate Fellow
Holds a PhD. in Economics and has more than 15 years of experience in socio-economic research. Is adept in both quantitative and qualitative research. Her research work has largely explored various facets of Kerala’s development issues, mainly in (1) health (2) issues of marginalized communities (3) governance and service delivery, and (4) gender. Was a key member of the study team of many of the major studies undertaken at CSES.
The major studies in which she was the team leader include: Assessment of the Services provided to Gender Based Violence survivors in Bhoomika GBV Management Centres in Kerala, Assessment of Aswasam, the FHC based Depression Screening Programme, and of e-Sanjeevani, the tele-consultation services, all in collaboration with the State Health Systems Resource Centre- Kerala (SHSRC-K); Study on Women-friendliness of Kochi City supported by the Government of Kerala; Study on the Menstrual Cup Project Thinkal for the Hindustan Management Academy, Hindustan Lifestyle Limited; Studies on People Centric Service Delivery in Local Self Government Institutions and Government Institutions for the Kerala Administrative Reforms Commission, and Assessment of the Programmes of the Government of Kerala for the Elderly for the Directorate of Social Justice, Government of Kerala.
Major studies in which she was a member of the study team include: How the Poor Manage their Finances: A Study of the Portfolio Choices of Poor Households in Ernakulam District, Kerala, a study conducted for the Reserve Bank of India; Baseline and Endlines studies of the World Bank supported Kerala Local Government Service Delivery Project, Baseline and Citizen Surveys for Services Delivered by Institutions Selected under the Service Delivery Project (SDP) of the Government of Kerala; Study on Vulnerability of Extreme Poor Households in Kerala; Need Assessment Study for ICDS for Under 3 Children for the Integrated Child Development Scheme.